Article 6 of Constitution of PakistanArticle 6 of Constitution of Pakistan

Article 6 of Constitution of Pakistan a very important part of the nation’s set of laws. They make permanent the rules of a system or country where a vote elects leaders. The authority and control, and the protection of basic human rights. Within its (legal rules), Article 6 holds a position of most crucial importance.

It deals with the issue of high crime (against a government), and measures to protect the country’s democratic system. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of Article 6, and its effects on Pakistan. In the end, its role in supporting and correct the values of the Constitution.

What is Article 6 in Pakistan?

Any person who takes away or destroys by secret actions or suspends or holds in a stopped state, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other going against something in the Constitution means will be guilty of the high crime against a government.

Article 6 of Constitution Of Pakistan

Implications and Importance of Article 6 of Constitution Of Pakistan

It clearly states that any individual who tries to interfere by the force to the Constitution order through (going against something in the Constitution). It will be charged with a crime against the government. These are some important points for better understanding:

Protection of Democracy and Constitutional Order

Article 6 is an extremely important safeguard that secures the protection of a country where votes and the Constitution order choose leaders. By prohibiting any attempt to destroy by sneaky actions or suspend the Constitution. The of democratic authority and control, preserving the rights and freedoms of the people.

Defining High Treason and Its Consequences

Article 6 upholds the supremacy of the Constitution by establishing it as the ultimate authority. By criminalizing attempts to undermine or suspend the Constitution, it maintains the sanctity of the legal framework and prevents any unconstitutional forces from gaining control.

Upholding National Unity and Sovereignty

One of the key implications of Article 6 is its emphasis on national unity and sovereignty. High treason as a criminal offense in Pakistan promotes citizens’ responsibility to protect the country’s sovereignty. It serves as a reminder that the Constitution is the ultimate authority, and any attempts to undermine it threaten the nation’s stability and unity.

Preserving the Supremacy of the Constitution

Article 6 reinforces the Constitution’s supremacy within Pakistan’s legal framework. It establishes the Constitution as the guiding document for governance, ensuring that no individual or group can wield unconstitutional power. By deterring any attempts to repeal or suspend the Constitution, Article 6 maintains the sanctity of the legal system, preserving the checks and balances that underpin a democratic society.

Strengthening National Unity

Article 6 in the Constitution reinforces the notion of national unity by criminalizing acts that threaten the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan. Unity and communal obligation are vital for upholding democratic principles in the Constitution.


In the end, Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan holds immense significance in protecting democracy, preserving national unity, and upholding the supremacy of the Constitution. This provision penalizes those who try to overthrow the Constitution through high treason. In a world where democratic systems are essential for progress, Article 6 is a vital safeguard. So, Pakistan continues to thrive as a democratic nation governed by its Constitution and dedicated to the welfare of its citizens.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

what is Article 6 in Pakistan law?

High treason for those who try to undermine the Constitution through force or unconstitutional actions.

What is Article 7 of the Constitution of Pakistan?

In this section, “the State” refers to the Federal Government, Parliament, Provincial Government, and Provincial Assembly. If any local or other authority in Pakistan that is authorized by law to impose any tax unless the context dictates otherwise.

What is Article 6 Punishment?

High Treason Act, 1973 states that any person found guilty of high treason shall be punishable with death or imprisonment for life.

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