Helicopter Price In PakistanHelicopter Price In Pakistan

Do you find the thought of having your own helicopter appealing? For many people, the appeal of taking flight in a powerful aircraft might be a dream come true. But how much does a private helicopter cost in Pakistan? We’ll explore the universe of helicopters available in Pakistan in 2024 and their relative costs to help you make a well-informed choice. Whether you’re interested in luxury travel or pilots, keep reading to find your ideal flying solution and to learn the truth about helicopter price in pakistan.

Helicopter Price in Pakistan

There is no doubt that helicopters are a posh method of transportation, and Pakistan is no exception in terms of their high price tags. The estimated average price of a helicopter in Pakistan ranges between 90 and 100 crore rupees. Prices for helicopters, whether new or old, vary depending on the brand and type. 

Helicopters are still widely used for a variety of tasks despite their high costs, such as aerial photography, travel, food delivery, and medical crises. It’s no wonder that helicopters are the preferred method of transportation when you need to get there quickly and gracefully. Because they offer amazing views from the air as well as unequaled ease.

Real Helicopter Price in Pakistan for 2024

The price of a helicopter in Pakistan in 2024 varies based on the type that you have in mind. The AW139 and AW109 helicopters, which both have two engines and cost 160 and 140 crore rupees respectively, are at the top of the pricing range. The EC130 B4 (single engine) costs 90 crore rupees, whereas the AS350B3 Chopper costs 85 crore. If you’re seeking for anything less expensive. In Pakistan for 2023, there is a helicopter to fit any budget thanks to the wide variety of choices accessible.

No matter the model you select, it’s critical to remember that helicopters are complex machinery that requires routine maintenance to guarantee reliability and safety. Additionally, you should also think about the constant expense of fuel, which can add up quickly if you want to fly frequently. A quality helicopter purchase is a serious decision that requires careful research to make sure you get the most return on your money.

Helicopter Price List in Pakistan

HelicopterPrice in Pakistan
2009 Airbus AS365 N3+Estimated Price 110Crore Rupees
AW139 Double EngineEstimated Price 160 Crore Rupees
AW109 With double engineEstimated Price 140 Crore Rupees
2000 Eurocopter AS350B-3Estimated Price 200 Crore Rupees
EC130 B4 Single EngineEstimated Price 90 Crore
AS350B3 Chopper PriceEstimated Price 85 Crore
1996 McDonnell Douglas 500EEstimated Price180 Crore Rupees
1987 AS350 B2Estimated Price 300 Crore Rupees
1991 Airbus AS365 N2 Double EngineEstimated Price 250 Crore Rupees
2016 Airbus H145 Turbine EnginesEstimated Price 190 Crore Rupees

Small & Cheapest Helicopter Price in Pakistan

It can be difficult to predict a helicopter’s exact price in Pakistan in 2024. The kind, model, size, seating capacity, engine power, safety features, specialized equipment, the provider, and the operating location of the helicopter are some of the variables that affect it. 

A basic Pakistani helicopter can cost anywhere between $100,000 and over $1 million. Comprehensive research and communication with aviation experts are advised in order to arrive at an appropriate estimate. By following these instructions, you’ll be prepared to make an informed choice about the actual helicopter prices in Pakistan in 2023.

Army Helicopter Price in Pakistan

Here are some details on the prices of army helicopters in Pakistan:

  • Pakistan’s primary attack helicopter is the Bell AH-1F Cobra, which it started acquiring from the US in the 1980s. The estimated unit cost of a Bell AH-1F is around $5-10 million.
  • For utility helicopters, Pakistan uses the Bell UH-1H Iroquois. These likely cost around $1-3 million per unit when acquired from the US.
  • In recent years, Pakistan has been acquiring Mi-17 transport helicopters from Russia. These are estimated to cost around $10-15 million per unit.
  • Pakistan also operates Aérospatiale SA-330 Puma utility helicopters which were acquired in the 1980s. Used Pumas today cost around $2-5 million per unit.

  • In 2015, Pakistan acquired Mi-35 Hind attack helicopters from Russia, estimated at around $35-40 million per unit.
  • For VIP transport, Pakistan uses Sikorsky S-70 helicopters which can cost $10-15 million each.

In total, Pakistan’s army aviation wing operates around 150-200 helicopters of various types. Acquiring and maintaining this fleet has cost billions of dollars over the decades.

In conclusion, Pakistani army helicopter unit costs range from a few million for simpler utility kinds to tens of millions for the best attack/transport types that are purchased brand-new. The fleet of helicopters is probably worth more than $1 billion in total. 

Jahangir Tareen Helicopter Price in Pakistan

A well-known businessman and politician from Pakistan named Jahangir Tareen is also known to own a private chopper. According to rumors, Tareen appears to be the owner of a medium twin-engine Sikorsky S-76 helicopter, which is a favourite among VIP/executive operators. Today, a brand-new Sikorsky S-76 costs about $15 million. But Tareen most certainly bought his used, probably for $5–$10 million.

In Pakistan, the annual cost of owning and running a helicopter includes millions for financing, maintenance, pilots, hangar fees, etc. A private helicopter offers status and convenience for wealthy people like Tareen, enabling speedy flight while avoiding gridlock. However, helicopters are luxury items that only Pakistan’s wealthiest can purchase. Tareen’s luxurious lifestyle has drawn criticism because so many people in Pakistan are poor.

Velocity Mini OR 2 Seater Helicopter Price in Pakistan

American company Velocity Aircraft produces the Velocity Mini Helicopter, a little, lightweight personal helicopter. It is a 2-seater helicopter with a single-piston engine that is relatively straightforward, inexpensive, and designed with leisure flying in mind. The Velocity Mini Helicopter normally sells for between US$60,000 and US$80,000 when fresh new in the US market.

Given import fees and taxes, the Velocity Mini’s price in Pakistan would almost certainly be much higher possibly in the range of PKR 15-20 million. The Velocity Mini Helicopter has no known dealers or distributors in Pakistan as of yet. It would need to be brought in and registered as a private person purchase.

In conclusion, importing a Velocity Mini Helicopter into Pakistan would cost approximately PKR 15-20 million. The annual operating costs would be extremely high, making it unaffordable for the majority of the population.


In Pakistan, there is a wide range of helicopter costs to choose from in order to meet a variety of demands and budgets. A helicopter is more than simply a buy owning one is an investment in comfort and elegance. Please be aware that the material provided here is provided only for informative reasons and does not constitute professional advice. Consult a knowledgeable aircraft professional for specific questions and tailored advice. 

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