top 10 powerful politicians in the world 2023top 10 powerful politicians in the world 2023

A select few people stand out as beacons of power, influence, and leadership in the ever-changing world of politics. These powerful individuals have a lasting impact on international affairs and help determine the fate of entire countries. 

In 2024, these 10 politicians will have had a significant influence on internal and foreign policies, as well as on their individual nations and the entire world. Let’s explore these top 10 powerful politicians in the world in 2024 to see how they continue to influence the world.

Top 10 powerful politicians in the world 2024?

1. Imran Khan

2. Dilma Rousseff

3. Hillary Clinton

4. Angela Merkel

5. Narendra Modi

6. David Cameron

7. Manuel Valls

8. Donald Trump

9. Vladimir Putin

10. Xi Jinping

1. Imran Khan 

Imran Khan

Just before entering politics, Imran Khan first achieved worldwide recognition as a legendary cricket player. From 2018 to 2022, he was Pakistan’s prime minister. Khan’s political career was defined by his commitment to openness and anti-corruption initiatives. 

While retaining a firm position on national security, he was dedicated to enhancing Pakistan’s social services and economy. Pakistan’s foreign policy was significantly shaped by Khan’s administration. Additionally, he built connections with nearby nations like Afghanistan and India.

Read Also: Article 6 of Constitution of Pakistan

2. Dilma Rousseff

Dilma Rousseff

Brazilian politician Dilma Rousseff is well-known and was president of Brazil from 2011 to 2016. Her dedication to social programs and environmental preservation was a defining quality of her leadership. She earned a spot among the most powerful politicians in the world thanks to her unflinching dedication.

Rousseff, the country’s first female president, made significant strides for women’s rights both at home and abroad. She is renowned for her work to stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, a significant environmental problem.

3. Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

A well-known name in American politics is Hillary Clinton. Under President Barack Obama, she worked as the secretary of state of the United States from 2009 to 2013. During her term, she made significant diplomatic efforts, working on women’s rights and international health concerns in particular. Clinton’s background in international relations and support for women’s rights continue to influence American foreign policy.

4. Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel

After leading Germany as Chancellor from 2005 to 2021, Angela Merkel is regarded as one of the most respected politicians in all of Europe. Merkel is renowned for her pragmatic views and calm leadership in difficult situations. 

She was crucial in leading the European Union through a number of crises, such as the refugee crisis and the financial crisis in the Eurozone. Her dedication to combating climate change and fostering global cooperation continues to have an impact.

5. Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi

Since 2014, Narendra Modi has served as India’s prime minister. Dynamic measures designed to improve India’s economy and standing abroad have been a hallmark of his leadership. 

The nation’s economy has grown as a result of programs like “Make in India” and “Digital India.” In addition, Modi has significantly improved India’s standing in international forums, addressing topics like climate change and regional security.

6. David Cameron

David Cameron

From 2010 to 2016, David Cameron served as prime minister of the United Kingdom. Critical occasions like the Brexit referendum, which ultimately resulted in the UK’s choice to leave the European Union, occurred during his tenure. 

These historical occurrences have important political consequences for the UK. And the European Union as well as being directly related to Cameron’s political legacy.

7. Manuel Valls

Manuel Valls

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls reigned over the country from 2014 to 2016. He was extremely influential in shaping both France’s domestic and foreign policies during his time in office. Valls concentrated on counterterrorism initiatives and economic changes. Tackling important concerns that affected not only France but also the rest of the European Union.

8. Donald Trump

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, ruled over the country from 2017 to 2021. His unusual leadership style and emphasis on subjects like immigration, commerce, and international relations defined his time as president. Trump has become one of the most divisive political personalities in recent memory. Due to the tremendous attention his ideas have received both locally and globally.

9. Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

For more than 20 years, Vladimir Putin has dominated Russian politics. since 2000 in office as president. A firm position on national sovereignty and a practical approach to international affairs have been hallmarks of Putin’s presidency. 

His influence shapes Russia’s relations with Western countries and its participation in international crises beyond the country’s boundaries. In 2022, Putin started the conflict in Ukraine, which led to international penalties against Russia.

10. Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

Since taking power as president of China in 2013, Xi Jinping has strengthened his position within the Chinese Communist Party and undertaken significant reforms. He has increased his personality traits while consolidating his position of authority. 

His initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative, are meant to transform the geopolitical and economic landscapes of the world. China’s status as a superpower and its influence on international trade, security, and technology will be heavily influenced by Xi’s leadership.


These top 10 most powerful politicians in the world 2024 continue to be influencing our global environment. These politicians have traveled a variety of pathways to power, passing through cricket stadiums and international summits. For many years to come, their leadership philosophies, decisions, and legacies will have an effect on our interconnected world.


Who is the world’s best leader 2024?

Top of the list is Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has a 76% approval rating, much above that of US President Joe Biden, who has a 40% rating.

Who is the greatest leader of Pakistan?

As the Quaid-e-Azam (“Great Leader”) and Baba-e-Qaum (“Father of the Nation”), he is adored throughout Pakistan. In Pakistan, his birthday is celebrated as a national holiday.

Who is the most followed politician in the world?

Former U.S. President Barack Obama (@BarackObama) is the most-followed politician on Twitter, with over 131 million followers.

What is the rank of Imran Khan in the world?

In 2019, he was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. The 500 Most Influential Muslims recognized Khan as the world’s 16th most influential Muslim in their 2020 version. in the 2022 version, he is in the top ten, at number 10.

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